The Wisconsin Cattlemen's Association (WCA) is proud to be the voice of Wisconsin's beef producing families.

The Wisconsin Cattlemen's Association (WCA) is the voice of the Wisconsin Cattle Producer. Through our legislative efforts in Madison, we continue to represent and protect the beef producer's best interests, Our beef industry promotion and consumer outreach allow educational and factual information to be delivered to retail locations and households which help increase beef demand. We also work with several youth organizations to develop and mentor youth to become future beef industry ambassadors. Our membership and Board of Directors work daily to keep beef demand strong in Wisconsin and the country.

WCA is the trusted leader of Wisconsin's beef industry and works daily on behalf of its members by:

  • Being the voice for all segments of Wisconsin's industry arenas
  • Providing networking and educational opportunities amongst producers and industry professionals
  • Working closely with the National Cattlemen's Beef Association to stay informed of national issues that will affect Wisconsin beef producers
  • Build a strong network of local affiliates to allow a forum for all producers to be engaged and have a voice
  • Supporting youth in the beef industry by sponsoring scholarships and awards to encourage the next generation of Wisconsin beef producers

Board of Directors

Meet the people at WCA who work daily to keep beef demand strong in Wisconsin and the country.

Meet the Board


Meet our committees within WCA.

Meet the Committees


At WCA, we partner with multiple affiliates throughout the state to help stimulate interest and growth in the cattle industry of Wisconsin. Meet our many affiliates throughout the state.

Meet the Affiliates