UW-Extension Educator Bill Halfman Recognized as 2020 Friend of Cattlemen
UW-Extension Educator Bill Halfman Recognized as 2020 Friend of Cattlemen
March 4, 2020
Monroe County UW-Extension Educator Bill Halfman was recognized as the 2020 Friend of the Cattlemen at the Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association 2020 Winter Conference. The annual award honors an organization or individual who has gone above and beyond to support Wisconsin’s beef industry.
Since 1998, Halfman has been a dedicated Extension educator in Monroe County and a committed contributor to the UW-Extension livestock and beef teams. Halfman was instrumental in developing and presenting at the Cattle Feeders Meetings — a marathon of meetings held across Wisconsin each winter.
In his years of service, Halfman has played a key role in developing decision-based spreadsheets for beef producers; contributing to the steering committee for the Driftless Beef Conference; conducting field research regarding yardage of Wisconsin feedlots and most recently, beef-on-dairy crossbreeding.
Halfman currently assists in co-coordinating Wisconsin’s Beef Quality Assurance efforts with Sandy Stuttgen, Taylor County UW-Extension Educator, and Tammy Vaassen, Wisconsin Beef Council Executive Director. Halfman also maintains the Wisconsin Beef Information Center website as a resource for Wisconsin beef producers.
Halfman is a continual asset and friend of the Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association, the Wisconsin Beef Council and Wisconsin’s entire beef industry. His support extends beyond those directly involved with the beef industry, as Halfman goes above and beyond to support the beef programs of other UW-Extension educators and connect them to beef resources.
Posted: March 4, 2020