Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association to Host Summer Production Tour

Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association to Host Summer Production Tour
June 01, 2022
Madison, Wis. - The Wisconsin Cattlemen’s Association (WCA) is excited to partner with the Northern Wisconsin Beef Producers Association (NWBPA) for the 2022 Summer Tour in the Menomonie area on Saturday, June 18.
The goal of the tour aligns with WCA’s mission to promote networking and education among beef producers. The first stop on the tour will be K-Lund Angus Farm near Woodville, Wis. K-Lund is a commercial cow-calf operation with 170 pairs of Angus females. Spring calving occurs from March to April, utilizing a specially designed hoop barn facility. Top-end steer calves are marketed each fall with the lighter steers and heifers being fed out to market locally as freezer beef. Jim and Roxanne structure their nutrition strategy to support the benefits of fetal programming to maximize growth and production later in life. With limited labor, the operation has focused on low-stress cattle handling and facilities to ensure cattle can be managed by only one or two people. At this stop, cattlemen will learn practical tips about building facilities and managing cow herds that they can take back to their home operations.
The second stop on the tour is SKOR Cattle Co. located in Clear Lake, Wis. Shari and Kyle Overby started this semi confinement cow-calf operation in 2003 combining a passion for raising quality cattle while still working full-time off the farm. The facility was designed to raise top-quality genetics with very little pasture and farmland. Shari employs key learnings from both the beef and dairy industries to maximize breeding, herd health, feed efficiency, and manure management. Today, the 480-acre farm consists of 150 Simmental Angus commercial and registered cows and 240 tillable acres. Calves are born in the early part of the year, utilizing a loafing shed, cameras, and timed feeding to accommodate their work schedule off the farm. Additionally, the Overby’s grow several forage crops for feed, including “monster corn.” Cattle are fed a total mixed ration (TMR) and grouped according to age and size to maximize efficiency and body score. A fence line concrete bunk with lockups allows for easy handling and sorting. When the weather permits, cows are grazed on pasture and cropland. At this stop, cattlemen will learn about confinement cow-calf operations and best management practices.
The final stop will be at ALCIVIA – Menomonie Feed Mill. ALCIVIA is a leading, member-owned agricultural and energy cooperative driven by a passion for excellence and a future without boundaries. ALCIVIA serves farm, business, and retail customers in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa. The Menomonie mill was built in 2017 and features pelleting, texturizing, and flaking capabilities, while also making customized feeds such as mineral.
ALCIVIA manufactures more than 300,000 tons annually across its three facilities. ALCIVIA is currently investing $2.4M in improvements for the Menomonie mill, including the introduction of a fully automated packaging and palletizing system. In addition, the grain processing system is being updated to include an aspirated grain cleaner to remove fines from cracked corn and other processed grains. Project work is anticipated to be complete by the end of August. The Menomonie mill will move to a sixteen-hour operating day with upwards of 25,000 tons of annual packaged volume. At this stop, cattlemen will learn more about modern feed manufacturing and how the feed products they use on their operations are made.
As part of this tour, NWBPA will hold its annual picnic at SKOR Cattle Co., which is free for paid NWBPA members to attend. During the picnic, there will be a social media panel with the following ag influencers: Andrea Severtson Flemming (That Fit Advocate), Emily Rowley (Wisco FarmHer), and Brittany Peterson (BarnBarbiesEnterprise). The panelists will discuss successes and challenges on platforms including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Additionally, Troy Salezer, University of Minnesota Extension Educator, Ag Production Systems, will share information with producers about production benchmarks for cow-calf operations and how they relate to the profitability of the herd. The tour will also have special guest speakers, including Don Schiefelbein, 2022 NCBA President. Schiefelbein will provide an update on NCBA efforts in Washington D.C. on behalf of cattlemen. Both lunch and dinner are provided on the tour. Attendees will be responsible for their own transportation throughout the day. Registration for this one-day program and meals will be $50 for WCA members and $100 for non-members. Registration is also available online at https://www.wisconsincattlemen.com/events/summer-tour. Please contact WCA with questions at 608-228-1457 or [email protected].
Posted: June 1, 2022